sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

public education

I think the education is one of the biggest problems in Chile. i think that is correct that the students, from university and schoool , express their discontent with the chilian education, so foe me the student's manifestation is a godd form to express  to the goberment.for me the education in chile is unequal, only the people how have money can to choose for a good education . I think that the education should be more egalitarian for everyone, with a better quality and the universities or institutes shouldn't to enrich though education. Another problem for the students is the thing about the public transport. Every year the public transport is more expensive, and for the people how live far from their education place, or for the people for fewer resouces is a big problem. In my case, I live far from de university and some time is very difficulte to me come to the university.  

In the srike i try to participate going to the protest on the street, giving my support in the strike. When i have the opportunity to express my discontent about the education i try to go to the manifestation. 
I usually go to the manifestation, but the last thursday i couldn't go by personal reasons.

a good solution for me, by part of te goverment is a reform from the base of the education, I think that the reform is the best way to improve the education in Chile. The measures that the govermetn is taken (college scholarships or collage credit), maybe can help to the education in some things, but doesn't solve all the problem of the education, and for solve it is nessesary to do a reform form the base of the education.

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